phone: 02 / 4333 7325, 02 / 4342 3433

mobile: 0918 481 064


address: Drieňová 38, 821 02 Bratislava

About us

Young team of doctors, dental hygiene workers and nurses under the leadership of the experienced expert will provide you with complex dental care since early age up to very high one. You can be offered unusual widest range of treatments, which can be started by perfect diagnosis by our own x-ray monitor and CT device, right at the premises. We are mainly focused on prevention of decay and other diseases in mouth cavity. Three dental hygiene workers are at your disposal in connection with prevention. We provide conservative care at the highest professional level, esthetic dentistry specialized endodoncy, optimal prosthetic care with foreseen results. We have certificates of mucogingival and dentoalveolar surgery, too. We cooperate closely with external implantological premises as well as with jaw orthopedics.