phone: 02 / 4342 3433

address: Drieňová 38, 821 02 Bratislava


Denta Group s.r.o.

Telephone contact: 02 / 4342 3433

E-mail :

Adresa : Drienova 38, 821 02 Bratislava

Opening Hours :

From 1.4.2024

Mo – Fri: 17:00 – 23:00

Sat – Sun and holidays: 10:00 – 22:00

All under one roof.

More information >

Employees of the company DENTA Group are available to you 365 days a year in our workplaces to Drieňová street 38, in the city of Bratislava Ostredky in the second circuit. Excellent public transport connections by tram No. 8, 9 and 14 and N70 and N74 bus stop Tomasikova, 50,66,78,96,196 bus stop Maximilian Hell. Buses 39 and 61 stop Martinský cemetery. Right in front of the entrance is a large public car park.